Are you concerned with your teen driving a car? This concern is likely valid as teens have the highest injury and mortality rates and crashes are the leading cause of accidental death, disability and head injuries for this age group. USA today in an article last week quoted research which shows that teens with attention problems are five times as likely to get in an accident as the rest of the population.
There is equipment that can test your teen’s attention levels and improve their ability to resist distraction and stay on task. One of the programs used simulates road conditions to improve reaction time with practice before your teen gets on the road. Other programs help teens recognize their attention levels and teach them to self correct so they do not ‘space out’
They will not learn these skills in driver ed. This is a great way to equip the young driver in your household or restore skills to older drivers who see themselves as losing focus. Information about safe cars, saving your neck and how to adjust the headrest are available for free through the courtesy of the Save Your Neck Program sponsored by The Spinal Injury Foundation. Please click here for more info: http://spinalinjuryfoundation.org/neck.htm
For more information on programs to help driving skills an a free 39 point learning assessment you can take online click here
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